
ID Protein Name Function 1 Function 2 Species Name
3SMC-3 (Structural maintenance chromosome 3), Mus musculusSMC3 interacts with SMC1 and other non-Smc subunits like Scc3 and Scc1 (also called Rad21) to form a cohesion complex, called "cohesin," that maintains proper sister chromatid cohesion throughout the cell cycle and during mitosis to ensure accurate chromosome segregation. Each Smc heterodimer associates with non-Smc subunits to form functional Smc complexes.Bamacan is a proteoglycan, and is a component of a component of the basement membrane in the Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm tumor matrix, the renal mesangial matrix, and the basement membrane of other tissues. Bamacan is involved in the control of cell growth and transformationEnteamoeba histolytica (amoeba, anaerobic eukaryote, causes amebiasis)
4FdGOGAT Glutamate synthase, Spinacia oleracea FdGOGAT Glutamate synthase, enzyme 2 L-glutamate + 2 oxidized ferredoxin => L-glutamine + 2-oxoglutarate + 2 reduced ferredoxin + 2 H+. amino acid biosynthesis, L-glutamate biosynthesisSubunit of UDP-sulfoquinovose synthaseSpinacia oleracea (Spinach, a plant)